Division Training of School Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum

Division Training of School Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum

The training on the MATATAG Curriculum has the following objectives:

a. discuss the features of the MATATAG Curriculum for Kinder to Grade 10;

b. provide a concrete understanding on the elements of a Curriculum Guide, pedagogy, instructional plan and assessment related to the learning areal and

c. guide the division teams in the rollout of the training at the school level.

Workshop on Crafting Professional Development Programs and Courses

Workshop on Crafting Professional Development Programs and Courses

At the end of this activity, participants are expected to:

a. identify the essential elements and standards of program designing;

b. prepare/ craft a program design for teachers and school leaders' professional development programs and courses.

Resource Package Development for LAC Sessions

Resource Package Development for LAC Sessions

The objective of this activity is to develop learning resource packages that can be used by schools in learning and development interventions. Specifically, the participants are expected to:

  1. identify the essential elements and standards of 4As and workshop session;
  2. write a session guide following the elements and principles of adult learning; and
  3. contextualize the session guides to suit the specific needs and diverse needs of the target participants.

2022 Capacity Building for Non-Teaching Personnel

2022 Capacity Building for Non-Teaching Personnel

The objectives of this activity are as follows:

  1. understand DepEd's mandate, vision, mission, core values and programs;
  2. inculcate among personnel strong commitment to public service; 
  3. discuss personnel benefits; and
  4. generate ideas on improving HR systems and processes aligned to CSC PRIME-HRM Level III.

Seminar on the Science of Reading

Seminar on the Science of Reading

This activity is geared towards empowering the Brigada Pagbasa Coordinators on the conduct of the program.

Orientation on the Pilot Implementation of Induction Program for Beginning Teachers

Orientation on the Pilot Implementation of Induction Program for Beginning Teachers

The objectives of this activity are as follows:

1.  orient the participants of the guidelines on the pilot implementation of the induction program for beginning teachers; and

2. discuss the professional development information system (PDIS).

Orientation on Quality Management System

Orientation on Quality Management System

This activity aims to orient the top management and QMS Teams on the requirements of establishing quality management system in the agency aligned to ISO 9001:2015

Virtual Division Remote PFA Play Module

Virtual Division Remote PFA Play Module

The said training aims to:

  1. define the use of psychosocial support activities to elementary learners affected by crisis using the Remote Play-based intervention manual through play activities;
  2. describe the strategies on how to help learners manage risks and protect themselves from stressors during crisis;
  3. show how to use the Remote Play-based Intervention Manual and Learner's Playbook, emphasizing on the key messages of each module, the instructions how to go through the activities and the importance of processing each of the identified activities;
  4. respond to queries of children and adult participants of actual sessions or roll-out; and
  5. appreciate the value of providing psychosocial support through play activities to children/ learners/ youth in the community.