Capacity Building for Curriculum Leaders and Program Owners in Implementing Support Services

Capacity Building for Curriculum Leaders and Program Owners in Implementing Support Services

It aims to:

a. make a monitoring plan based on the AIP and WFP, which are aligned with the DEPD and OPCRF; and

b. design a Technical Assistance (TA) plan based on the identified needs and implementation of PPAs included in the WFP/AIP.



The quarterly Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustment (MEA) Activity is part of the continuing efforts and initiatives of the Division Office in ensuring quality in the delivery of basic education services and implementation of the Division programs and projects. This shall be conducted by the Office through the School Governance and Operations Division. The MEA activity shall be conducted by governance level: Schools, Districts and Division.

Orientation-Workshop of School M & E Focal Persons on the Division QAME System

Orientation-Workshop of School M & E Focal Persons on the Division QAME System

This activity shall enable participants to:

  1. modify existing M&E tools based on concepts of school programs, projects and activities,
  2. digitize crafted M&E tools, and
  3. digitalize the process of collating data for School M&E reports.